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I've watched more than one person I love(d) choose darkness over light. I've watched other loved ones hover or straddle that dividing line, wanting a little bit of each reality, a bouquet of choices. That is yet another kind of pain for the "spectator," be they parent, child, friend, or other kin. For me, the experience has been more painful and difficult to bear than the physical death of immediate family members. I'm glad you wrote this. Related--I've noticed that many psychological articles, books, and programs assume that a troubled adult had a troubled or abusive childhood. I believe this is more often assumption than a studied conclusion. I draw some comfort from the perspective that each soul needs to find its own way, be it dark or light; that free will means not even the Divine Source can make our choices for us, even though the presence endures, and that perhaps the dark turns taken in earthly time and life may yet lead to light ahead.

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