Share this postStuff I'm Thinking AboutWell what did you expect?Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreWell what did you expect?When you tell the world they can use children as a way to by-pass immigration laws, you have incentivized really bad people to do really bad things.Keith LoweryMay 11, 2021Share this postStuff I'm Thinking AboutWell what did you expect?Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareWhen you tell the world they can use children as a way to by-pass immigration laws, you have incentivized really bad people to do really bad things.Border crisis: 5 unaccompanied migrant girls found abandoned in TexasFive abandoned migrant girls, all under the age of seven, were discovered Sunday by a Texas farmer on his land in Quemado, near the Rio Grande River.Fox NewsEdmund DeMarche