Stuff I'm Working On

I've been working on some ideas concerning how to think more "christianly" about the current upheaval and the contentious cultural issues we face. Or, at least, how to articulate a Christian perspective more effectively.
Covid-19 and the 2016 election combined to reveal far more about our underground troubles than I ever expected. At a personal level, I had the experience of seeing numerous Christian friends whom I have known and respected for many years begin begin to spout the most surprising and biblically illiterate opinions online. I have been completely gobsmacked by what has come from the keyboards of people who, before these events, I would have assumed held a far more biblically orthodox view of their faith than it turns out they do.
I guess it's better to know what's real than to live with old illusions.
Anyway, someone once said that we should try to be a thermostat in our world, not just a thermometer. In our current moment, I guess that means to do more than just declare how bad things are, but to actually do what I can to influence the debate and counter some lies.
What has become apparent to me, at least, is that the evangelical disintegration over Trump and Covid is partly rooted in the fact that there has been a lack of clarity in the minds of evangelicals regarding how to apply a biblical framework of thought to the socially contentious questions of our time. (The shocking thing about this, at least to me, has been the number and kind of evangelical leaders who have jettisoned almost everything in order to curry favor with the opinion makers of the world.)
Working in conjunction with my church, we're going to try to arm people with short, entertaining, and to-the-point videos that draw clear lines from biblical first-principles to the contentious issues we're facing in the world.
Here's the first of several videos that will be coming. This one explains what we're trying to do.
Stay tuned.