Steven Hayward has some new pictures up.
Evangelicals for Biden are pretty much exactly this And that's just for starters It sort of seems this way I'm pretty sure the people now in charge are still eating crayons, glue, boogers, and dog food. Oh, and also Tide pods. "Make" and "Take" are two very different things To be fair, they were also hopeful that the pink unicorns and faeries would cover their retreat. So the problem with the Taliban is mainly a lack of diversity. Got it. I've known some 4-year-olds. There was nothing "accidental" about it. They should have put "police" in scare quotes. Ok - this may win the best of the bunch for today. Well this is just a fantastic and perceptive observation Especially if it came with a horde of gold Notice the general attire Most of us would be happy to have ANY kind of ammunition about now And peppermint candy, and apples, and...