Steven Hayward has some new pictures up.
It could have been anything Always keep them distracted Oh, these lyrics have been true of more than one president Pretty much. The new anti-racism is just the old racism wrapped in a new bow. They're just posturing, they're not going to act on principle. There are just some things about the narrative that don't compute Funny. Won't be funny during the next war Pretty much the world we live in - which is a testimony to the quality of public education Facebook is tedious and boring now Pretty much how things went down. You'll have to be a certain age to get this one That's what they get for collaborating with terrorists Kind of hard to argue with It's all just a function of the needs of the moment Which also includes a lot of my progressive friends/acquaintances on Facebook The bureaucratic mindset at work The 'hurtful language' was the word 'male' And this is exquisitely awesome You can imagine my surprise For some reason I love this. A lot. This made me laugh out loud Battle of the fast-food joints Important information you can use From 1971. Bob Dylan turned 80 this year. The importance of answering correctly Don't get me started on this phenomenon. When I was at Amazon, we avoided hiring PhD's. Because this place is lame Embrace the healing power of "AND"