Share this postIt's Almost Like The Fact Checkers Weren't REALLY Checking Factswww.keithlowery.comCopy linkFacebookEmailNoteOtherIt's Almost Like The Fact Checkers Weren't REALLY Checking FactsThey may call it "fact checking", but it's really just narrative management.Keith LoweryMay 27, 2021Share this postIt's Almost Like The Fact Checkers Weren't REALLY Checking Factswww.keithlowery.comCopy linkFacebookEmailNoteOtherShareFacebook reverses ban on posts claiming COVID-19 was man-madeFacebook will no longer remove posts claiming COVID-19 was man-made, a new report said, as President Joe Biden ordered US intelligence agencies to investigate if the virus came from a Wuhan Chinese…New York PostView author archive